I occasionally present AOPA Rusty Pilot seminars at various locations around the country. I had a great group of 32 at the Green Castle Airport (IA24), IA on 16 December 2017. Don Nelson is the 90 year old patriarch of the airfield and the Green Castle Aero Club. Don and his wife built the small airport on their property and then started the Aero Club in 1993. The goal was (and is) to keep flying safe, fun, and affordable. Don is 90 years old, spry and sharp witted. It was great to have spent a little time with this group of grass roots pilots and aviation enthusiasts. If you would like to brush up on your knowledge of regulations, weather, the new “Basic Med”
- Rusty Pilot seminar in Iowa
- Iowa Rusty Pilot group
program and other subjects you should consider attending a Rusty Pilot seminar. These are free to AOPA members (which I highly recommend) and not just for “Rusty Pilots” but for any general aviation pilot and also could be useful for those folks flying drones these days. If you happen to live near the New Garden Airport (south of Cedar Rapids, IA) you might want to check out the Aero Club. The Green Castle has a C150, C-172, Piper Arrow, an Ercoupe, and an Aeronca Chief.